Women's Health Beyond Motherhood

Women's Health Month


In your mind, what does women's health mean?

For most, it’s often reproductive health and related conditions. 

Did you know that the leading causes of death among Indian women are Heart disease, diarrhoeal disease, respiratory illness, and stroke? Among the top causes of disability among women, gynaecological diseases rank only tenth. However, the majority of our discussions are limited to gynaecological topics.

This month, let’s talk about her health beyond reproductive health. 

Join us, let’s together learn about women’s health beyond motherhood.


Online / Zoom Meeting


March 2023

The Cause

Women's health concerns are diverse, and multifaceted, encompassing much more than pregnancy and motherhood. However, women continue to be underrepresented in medical research and often underdiagnosed for numerous health conditions.

The Means

We hope to create awareness and open discussions about women’s health and well-being that goes beyond maternal health. Join us by taking part in our webinar, listening to podcasts, reading articles and FAQs and sharing your experiences with us.

The Audience

If you are a woman, or if you have a woman in your life that you care about, we invite you to join our campaign. Let’s work together to create awareness that there is more to her health than motherhood.

Expert's Opinion

Our Experts

569 by 569

Dr. Anjali Bhatt


Consultant Diabetologist and Endocrinologist
Dr. Samantha 569 by 569

Dr. Samatha Tulla


Internal Medicine Specialist, Diabetologist, Precision & Anti-aging Medicine.
Dr. Vaishali Agarwal 569 by 569

Dr. Vaishali Agrawal


Director & Consultant, Pioneer Women & Children Hospital, Nashik
Dr. Indrajeet 569 by 569

Dr. Indrajit Khandekar


Professor, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, MGIMS, Wardha

Health Articles

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What you should know about cervical cancer

The growth of abnormal cells in the cervix is known as cervical cancer, and the most common age range for cervical cancer diagnoses is between 35 and 44. For a better understanding of cervical cancer, this article discusses its types, early screening tests, diagnosis, treatment, and more. What is cervical cancer? Cancer that begins in the cells of the cervix is called cervical cancer. The cervix is the narrow end

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Health Commune Resize 01

A Quick Guide to Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge is normal, typical, and unproblematic for most women. However, in the case of some underlying condition, you may notice a change in colour, texture, smell, or amount. In this article, you’ll learn about normal and abnormal vaginal discharge, types of abnormal discharge, its causes, diagnosis, and treatment. What is a vaginal discharge? Vaginal discharge is a clear or off-white fluid that leaks from your vagina. It is produced

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Iron Deficiency Anemia 1

Everything you need to know about Iron Deficiency Anaemia

Iron deficiency anaemia can leave you tired and craving ice, rice and all kinds of unusual food. Read to know more about iron deficiency anaemia, its symptoms, treatment, and preventive methods. What is iron-deficiency anaemia? Anaemia is a condition where the body does not have adequate number of red blood cells to transport oxygen. The component of red blood cells that carries oxygen, haemoglobin, needs iron to carry out its

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Past Event


Head and Neck Cancers:
Getting to the bottom of the problem

Cancers of the Head and Neck account for nearly 30% of all cancer cases in India. This includes cancers of the lip, mouth, nose, throat, and salivary glands. Dr. Mohammad Akheel, an acclaimed maxillofacial and head & neck oncosurgeon is joining us in an in-depth discussion on the risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment and more about head and neck cancers.